Experience with Promicil Lovers of Vama
I live in the countryside, from where I go somewhere once a year. In previous years, I went to the mountains, since we have many resorts there. But this year I decided to go to sea and I did not think that the trip was going to be such an unpleasant situation for me. Apparently somewhere on the beach I picked up a fungus and did not immediately pay attention to the first symptoms. And when he returned home, she turned to the routine of daily worries and was surprised a month later when he saw that the nail plates on her legs had changed color. Yellow muddy areas appeared along the edges of the nails on the thumb, second and third fingers, the tips began to crumble. To be honest, it was another month before I got to the doctor and I was diagnosed with distal onychomycosis.
I did not experience any particular inconvenience, there was no pain or itching, but the mycologist vividly and clearly explained to me what would happen to my nails if the fungus was not cured. And he prescribed me a set of remedies: tablets, ointments, medicinal varnishes and some kind of collection of herbal baths. When I got to the pharmacy and they told me the cost of the check, I was really shocked. And he was very upset that he could not afford such expenses. After all, I had to give money for trips to the center of the county, pay for consultations and tests (we simply do not have such specialists in the city). In general, having come home, I sat down on the Internet to look for analogues or generics of the drugs that were prescribed to me. And I accidentally stumbled upon the Promicil cream site. I read a review of the product, indications and contraindications, how to use. There were also comments from a doctor and opinions from users. They did not promise instant results, the composition is quite moderate, the price, in comparison with what I had to pay, is half. And I ordered this cream for myself. Received at the post office, and paid for there.
The instruction is quite simple, the cream is recommended to be used twice a day for 30-35 days. I did. Of course, there were fears that the remedy would not work, because there is no aggressive chemistry, as in traditional preparations. However, after a week the result became apparent, the cloudy areas stopped growing, then decreased in size, the edges of the nails became stronger. The cream was enough for me exactly a month, it is quite inexpensive. Three months have passed since then, the nail plates have fully recovered, have acquired a normal color, thickness and no longer crumble. At first I was worried, I thought, suddenly Promicil removed only the external signs of the fungus. But not. All good, no crashes. So I recommend this cream to anyone who does not want to overpay for expensive drugs.