Toenail fungus is a fairly common problem for many people. This disease is quite difficult to treat, it is best to try to fight it at the initial stage. Not only ointments and ready-made products sold in pharmacies, but also traditional medicine often come to the rescue.
Usually, in the early stages of the development of the disease, traditional medicine helps a lot. But still, sometimes it is not worth relying on chance, but it is better to consult a doctor.
Iodine in the fight against fungus
Perhaps tincture of iodine with alcohol is the most common method of treating nail fungus. It is such a common remedy because its fungicidal properties have been proven for a long time.Additionally, when exposed to iodine, the protein quickly clots and is destroyed.In this case, the fungus completely corresponds to the protein structure, so iodine perfectly copes with its destruction.
Iodine is famous for its low price, it can be purchased at almost any pharmacy kiosk. Iodine does an excellent job and restores not only the nail plate, but also the interdigital zone and damaged areas of the feet.
But it is also important to know some characteristics:
- Iodine, of course, copes well with fungi, but it cannot eliminate all types of this disease.
- Sometimes iodine causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is very important to perform an allergy test before using it. You just need to put a few drops of iodine on the bend of your elbow. If a burning sensation or other adverse reactions suddenly appear, it is better not to use iodine to eliminate the fungus.It is better to choose another option and treatment regimen yourself.
- After applying iodine, the nail plate turns yellow.
- Sometimes you can burn yourself and dermatitis appears.
- Iodine can be used in the fight against fungus only when the disease has begun to spread. Iodine will help if only a third of the plaque is affected.
To combat this, you can choose one of the treatment methods.
- first way. An alcohol solution with a concentration of 5% is dripped onto the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. 1 drop is enough for one area. A cotton swab will help simplify the procedure. Iodine is also poured into a healthy dish, only once every 2 days.
- Second way. Add iodine to hot water and steam your feet for no more than 15 minutes. The nail will be very soft and elastic, now you can cut it. Hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3% is applied to the remaining areas of the skin. The final stage of removing fungus is to apply a bandage with antibacterial ointment.
- Third way. 6 weeks is the treatment period. Castellani liquid is used in the first two weeks of treatment. Then the nails are treated with iodine for another 2 weeks. For the last 2 weeks, treat the nail plates with a 9% vinegar solution.
- Fourth way.To prepare the solution, you need to take a small jar or bottle. Add a tablespoon of salt, preferably a teaspoon. Then add the garlic juice, vinegar essence and chloronitrophenol in the same quantity. The nail treatment solution is ready. Now you need to steam your nails and remove any loose areas. The affected areas are treated at night. And don't forget to shake the product before using it.
- Fifth method. This treatment method will last 1 month. You need to learn how to make special salt baths for nails. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sea salt and 1 tablespoon of soda in 1 liter of water. It is best to bathe at night, your feet should be steamed for about 30 minutes. Next, you need to dip the nail file into the water, sand the nail plate and use scissors to remove all loose areas.

After this treatment, the feet are washed thoroughly with soap. Now it's better to wear gloves. They are placed on the hands and the entire leg, that is, the foot, nails and interdigital spaces, is treated with iodine. Those areas where the fungus has especially affected the leg should be treated 3 times with iodine. Once the first layer of iodine dries, a second is applied.
Kombucha treatment

Kombucha, prepared correctly, has a number of positive and beneficial properties.One of these properties is that kombucha is excellent at killing bacteria.
That is why in popular medicine this remedy began to be used for nail diseases. Kombucha is used as a compress or by rubbing it on the nail plate.
- For treatment, it is necessary to tear off a small piece of kombucha., remove the film and grind until obtaining a fine state, similar to porridge. This paste is used to rub the affected areas of the skin. They do it three times a day.
- Compresses also do an excellent job fighting fungus.. You just need to take a layer of mushrooms. After that, it is soaked in clean water. It is recommended to carry out further manipulations at night. A small piece of nail fungus is placed on the affected area of the nail plate. Then they put cellophane and some socks on top. The entire compress is left to act overnight. There will be pain, so you will have to endure it. In the morning, you should remove the compress and wash your feet thoroughly with water. Now you can remove all affected dead areas. After that, the nails should be treated with brilliant green or potassium permanganate.In this case, the concentration of these solutions should be quite high. Usually the entire course of treatment lasts 3 to 7 days. And for prevention purposes, the treatment is carried out for a couple more days.
Copper sulphate

This remedy can fight infections and eliminate foot fungus. In practice, you can often find fungal treatment with copper sulfate and fungus together. Copper sulfate is used for control in the form of a solution or ointment.
- Preparing the solution is not difficult.. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate in 1 liter of water. The result is a concentrated solution. Before using it, it is necessary to dilute the product. For 1. 5 liters of water it is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of concentrate. It is recommended to use warm water for bathing. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
- To prepare the ointment, you need to take 1 teaspoon of vitriol and place it in a preheated pan.. As a result, the color of the vitriol should change to gray or white. Now you need to add a little goose fat or tar and 1 teaspoon of yellow sulfur, which is sold in powder form. It is necessary to heat all the ingredients and the result will be an ointment. It is used for processing.
Tar soap and birch tar
Birch tar has long been used as a good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It is also capable of softening the surface of the nail very well. In folk medicine, it is recommended to apply birch tar in its pure form to the nails.
But before that, it is necessary to treat your feet well. To do this, prepare a soap bath and steam your feet for 15 minutes. Now they remove the dead skin from the feet and trim the nail plates that have softened.The feet are cleaned very well, paying special attention to the area between the toes.Now, with the help of a stick, take birch tar, carefully distribute it on the affected surfaces and rub it a little.
Now it is necessary not to put on shoes for 1. 5 hours and not move at all. A good result can be achieved if the ointment is absorbed into the skin on its own under the influence of air. After this, you should wear socks made only with natural ingredients. After a couple of days, you should wash your feet with cold water. Then the whole process is repeated again. A faster result can be achieved if you also treat the insoles with tar.
You can also use sulfur tar ointment. To do this, mix 3 parts of tar, 10 parts of any fatty base and 2 parts of powdered sulfur. The ingredients are mixed well and heated. The result should be a mixture of homogeneous composition. The resulting ointment is applied to the nail and sealed with a band-aid on top.
Table and sea salt

Each type of salt performs its own function. Sea salt can soften the nail surface and have an antiseptic effect.Common table salt can eliminate all pathogenic flora.To a greater extent, these remedies alone cannot cure fungus, they only have an auxiliary function.
- To carry out the steaming procedure, it is necessary to prepare a solution for the bath. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of water. Now a cotton swab is moistened in the prepared solution and applied to the nail for 5 minutes. Now you need to wet your nails with a soda solution.The entire course should last 10 days. Sometimes you may feel a slight itching and a slight burning sensation.
- Sea salt and essential oils. Baths are also made based on these components for 10 days. You need 1. 5 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. The salt crystals should dissolve completely. Now you need to add a teaspoon of essential oil to this saline solution. Instead, you can take 0. 25 ml of iodine or 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
- If the case is especially advanced, garlic will come to the rescue. Dilute 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of water and add a clove of garlic, after crushing it.

If you read the information about celandine, you will discover that it is poisonous. But when used in appropriate and reasonable concentrations, it can have a healing effect. Even experts say that celandine can be used in the fight against nail fungus.
The plant is collected and chopped with a meat grinder. Now it is necessary to squeeze all the pulp through 4 layers of cheesecloth to obtain juice. You will need about 200 ml of juice. The same amount of 70% alcohol solution is mixed with celandine.The mixture should be infused throughout the day. The resulting solution is used to treat nail plates.As in other cases, the nails must be prepared, steamed and then dried. It is necessary to carry out about 4 treatments a day. Such procedures are carried out until the nail grows and becomes healthy.
Everyone chooses a treatment method that is most suitable for them, but care must be taken with the method chosen.